To process your email campaigns in the quickest and most efficient manner, we recommend that you follow the guidelines below when setting up an email campaign:
General Guidelines for all email campaigns:
• An order number (a PO number)
• The list name
• The name of the mailer
• Mail date and specific time (if required)
• Subject line
• Provide the text and html creative (if required)
• Seed list for test and final send
• Test message address must be provided
• Test messages must be approved prior to final mailing
• Excessive changes may result in increased charges
• Any tracking options (open clicks, click through, click specific)
• All suppression files
• All URLs and paths of images in the HTML(not hosted by us) must start with http://
• Please review the subject line and body for words that may trigger a email filter to flag an email like 'Free, numbers, or % in the subject line'. We can provide a more comprehensive list of words and phrases to avoid
• If there are any special instructions, please include the special instructions along with the set up prior to testing
Guidelines when including HTML campaigns:
• If images are to be hosted by us, please include all images in a separate file
• If there are more than 4 images to be hosted, please include the images in a zip format
• If images are hosted elsewhere, please double check to make sure the images are appearing properly before sending us the HTML
• All HTML links should be working probably before the creative is sent over
• DO NOT simply convert a word document to .html format, usually the conversion will not be correct
• All HTML campaigns must have a backup text campaign for those whose email software cannot read HTML
• Please specify if the HTML is a multipart message or a stand alone html message
Guidelines for Text campaigns:
• All text format messages must be in .txt format. Please keep in mind that text messages cannot handle any special characters (ex: special word document characters or any non keyboard characters)
• Please remember that a text message should not surpass 55 characters per line. This may affect the appearance of the campaign
• Text messages cannot contain any bold, italic, or underlined characters
When approving your campaign:
• Please include the date and ideal time for it to be sent when it is approved
• Include the quantity of records on the list
You can contact us at: |
Applied Information Group |
P.O. Box 103 |
Princeton Junction, NJ 08550-0103 |
Phone:(908) 241-7007 |
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Applied Information Group. All rights reserved.
Site Designed byY Marketing & ITO Design
Site Designed byY Marketing & ITO Design