Please call with any questions regarding the shipping/receiving of lists.
Applied Info Group accepts data in the following media formatted in either a fixed-fielded EBCDIC format, a fixed-fielded or comma delimited ASCII text format, or Database (*.dbf) format.
- Email**
- FTP**
Each list should be provided with a record layout and dump with the quantity of records, the mailer, list name and key code clearly labeled. The file will include the following minimum information for each record:
- Name
- Job Title (if applicable)
- Company Name (if applicable)
- Full Street Address
- City
- State
- Zip Code
The data SHOULD NOT be supplied in any software programs (i.e. Word, etc). Most software products can export data to text or comma delimited files. ** Note - Email or FTP Files - Each list sent via Email or FTP should be provided in ASCII fixed text, Comma Delimited, Tab Delimited or Pipe Delimited formats. Each file should be zipped using PKZIP or WINZIP. The Subject line should contain the mailers name, listname, quantity and keycode.
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Applied Information Group. All rights reserved.
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